Subject: Who could ever say no to free money-making tools. Hi {{first_name}}, Do you remember yesterday when I said that you would receive actionable insights and secrets? Well, here it is just as promised... … but before I do that, I wanted to introduce myself. [Optional: Add in a screenshot/picture of yourself] My name is {{first_name}} and I will be your direct point of contact at {{company_name}}. It's my goal to {Product Benefit}. Back in [year] we were where you are, and also searched for the best and smartest ways to {Main Goal Recipient} without {Main Challenge Recipient}. This is when we thought about and started {Company Name}. This [website] was created for and with people like you in mind. We want to help you {Main Goal Recipient} in the best way we can. Ok, now that we are not strangers anymore... check this out: It’s time for your free gift! It’s called [Title free gift #1] and it [Free gift #1 description] You’re going to love it. Click Here to Get Your Free Gift NOW! Go check it out now, and it might just be more coming your way tomorrow... Kind regards, {{signature}} P.S. Ok, so I changed my mind… Instead of tomorrow, how about today? Here’s a second bonus gift just for you! (See, it pays to read these messages from beginning to END.) If you were excited about the first one you’re going to be even more excited about this one... It’s about [Free gift #2 description] and it's called [Title Free Gift #2] Here you go: Click Here to Get Your Second Free Gift NOW! And tomorrow we're going to [Tease what will be coming tomorrow], so keep an eye out.